Probability; statistical inference; statistical modelling; regression; hypothesis testing; model choice; Markov chains; hidden Markov models; statistical computing. (Duration: two weeks.)
Structural Biology
This course gives an overview of biological structure at the molecular level. It covers the methods and techniques used to experimentally explore, and the computational techniques used to predict, visualise and interrogate, structure. Topics include: structures of proteins; DNA, RNA and ligands; macromolecular structure determination (X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy and electron microscopy); data storage; structure visualisation techniques; comparative analysis of structure classification and validation; protein structure prediction and protein structure folding; and protein-protein, protein-ligand and protein-drug interactions. (Duration: two weeks.)
Anatomy and Physiology
This course aims to provide a whirlwind tour of key functional systems of the human body. Fundamental concepts underlying the operation of the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, endocrine (hormonal) and the nervous systems will be covered in a series of lectures, seminars, as well as practical demonstrations and, where feasible, hands-on experiments. Topics covered will include homeostatic control and life-support systems, electrical and chemical signalling in the body and biological information processing in sensory and nervous systems. (Duration: one week.)
Systems Medicine
Theoretical approaches used to model complex systems in heath and disease. The initial focus will be on modelling sub cellular processes such as the cell cycle and metabolism. Attention will then switch to investigating how these models may be combined or integrated at the sub-cellular or cellular level to study disease processes and complex biological systems. There will be components taught by AZ and E-therapeutics. (Duration: two weeks.)
High Performance Computing and Data Management
Cutting-edge techniques for working with large datasets and computational problems in chemistry and systems biology. Topics include the efficient parallelisation of calculations across local large computational clusters; the cost-effective use of cloud computing platforms and strategies for aggregating, managing and mining very large datasets. Areas taught by Roche and UCB. (Duration: two weeks.)
Structural and Systems Biology Techniques
This course provides a ‘hands-on’ introduction for physical and biological scientists to the techniques and technologies that underpin research in structural biology and systems biology and to fundamental concepts in experimental design and data analysis. Topics covered are likely to include structural biology techniques, enzyme kinetics, genetics, gene expression analysis, mass spectrometry, NMR, advanced microscopy, neuroscience techniques and experimental biophysics. (Duration: two weeks.)